Building the AA3000+ Part1

A while ago I bought the AA3000+ PCB, it is basically a redesign from the scrapped AA3000 project, an Amiga…

Building the Amiga 4000 Replica – Part 2

OK we now have chipmem working in DiagROM. To get serial INPUT to work add U305 (1489) To fix some…

Building the Amiga 4000 Replica – Part 1

In my series of building different Amiga replicas, it is time for the Amiga 4000. First of all, locator is…

Building the Amiga 2000 Replica

This is a guide how to build the Amiga 2000 Replica. (not not real “ReAmiga” even if some says so…)…

Building the ReAmiga 3000 – Part 3 FINAL PART

OK. Now we have a fully working ReAmiga 3000 except the Flickerfixerpart.  This I wanted to take as a separate…

Building the ReAmiga 3000 – Part 2

Time for part 2..  Unfortunally i screwed up the pictures. so I had to do another board and build it…

Building the ReAmiga 3000 – Part 1

This is my text-version (and slightly revided) guide how to build an ReAmiga 3000 that I did as a youtube…

More Amigadrama and weird domainregistrations

This weekend I noticed a post on Facebook in the “Commodore Amiga” group.   It was simply Amigapassion making a…

A WinUAE guide to setup a physical disk for Amiga

I get this question ALOT..  how to setup an Amigadrive from UAE. so instead of answering multiple times.. I do…

Building the ReAmiga from scratch. Part5 Final part!

ok this part is more about the extras etc. First we have some weird A1200 “extras”.   as you might have…

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