Setting up a SD card for TF4060 RaspberryPI

This is a writeup how to setup the raspberry pi for the TF4060 68060 Accelerator for Amiga 3000/4000 The pi…

Building an ReAmiga 4000CR Part 2

OK Next part.. Time to get Chipmem working. and this is one of the bigger changes Commodore did on the…

Building an ReAmiga 4000CR Part 1

This time it is time to build an ReAmiga 4000CR.. Info and downloadable files at: available at: As…

Upgrading Apollo 4040 to 4060

Now a short description how to upgrade an Apollo 4040 (3040) to 4060 (3060) As usual the mandatory “Before” picture:…

TF1260.COM not working?

Noticed that is not working. after a wordpressupdate the redirect stopped working. will check it. Meanwhile use this link:…

Bad picture on RGB on ReAmiga 1200 with D520 or other external units.

If you are using a external scandoubler or similiar. like the D520 and get a bad picture, no picture or…

Building the ReCD32

As usual on all my guides: PLEASE Read the guide first. prefferbly BEFORE ordering components or so. also follow it….

Building the Junior600 (A600 Clone)

Next in my series of building Amiga clones.. the Junior 600.What is the Junior 600? it is a A600 clone…

Building the AA3000+ Part3 (Daughterboard)

Ok time to to the DB for the AA3000+ This is more or less “one stage” First as usual: a…

Building the AA3000+ Part2

Well.. “A few days” suddenly was WAY more.. out of reasons I cannot even remember things never happend. I built…

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